While the stats are alarming, it's important to note that with early detection and innovative treatment options, more and more women are surviving the disease. Early detection saves lives.
#GiveYourBraForBreastCancer, or two, or three. Simply drop your pre-loved bras in the boxes at oncology practices and oncology centres in State hospitals.
Check your breasts #Every30Days. With early diagnosis, treatment options are enhanced and so are the outcomes. Watch the video below to find out how.
For every bra received, Roche will donate R10 to Reach for Recovery, a non-medical support programme that has been assisting breast cancer patients for 52 years. Supporting more than 5500 breast cancer patients per year at 137 treatment centres, Reach for Recovery provides the following,
An emotional safe space for women undergoing breast cancer treatment
Breast prostheses, a cushion for underarm comfort and a bag for the port-au-vac drain, at no cost, to women who have undergone a mastectomy.
When breast cancer patients arrive for a prosthesis fitting at Reach for Recovery, they often arrive without a bra. Not because they've forgotten it, or they're ashamed of it, but because it is unaffordable as some suppliers charge up to R1000 for a single bra.
This campaign, #GiveYourBra For Breast Cancer is a Roche project. Any unauthorized use of information, or the review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon the contents of this project, by persons or entities other than the intended purpose of the project, is prohibited.
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